According to Forbes, 80% of people abandon their New Years' goals by February…
Not this year.
This is not going to be you. Why? Because you’re already reading this article. If you’re on our website some part of you believes you can accomplish your goals. You’re not going to be another statistic.
Before we get into how it’s crucial to understand the why…
“There’s something wrong with me, I can never finish anything!”
Sound familiar? Don’t beat yourself up. Society has intentionally been set up to distract us for long periods of time.
For example, Netflix automatically plays episodes, TikTok purposely blocks out the time so you don’t know how long you’ve been on the app, Instagram and Facebook have never-ending scrolls. There are thousands of engineers behind each app with one common goal in mind: Keep you on the app as long as possible. So next time you scroll through TikTok for 2.5 hours and begin the negative self-talk, don’t. It’s not going to help you, remember how it made you feel and move on.
Now let’s get to the good stuff…
Why do I always abandon my goals?
UNREALISTIC: A lot of us tend to set goals in 3 categories: financial, health, and relationships. But these goals are usually set at the opposite end of the spectrum from where we currently are: Make 10K months, get into the best shape of your life, travel the world - these are all amazing, but when you’re starting from a place of 1.5K months, workout 2-3X a month, unsure of how much a plane ticket might cost, you’re setting yourself up for overwhelm, and “failure”.
INSTANT GRATIFICATION: We mentioned earlier that society has programmed us to become permanently distracted. If we don’t see results right away we quit or move on to the next thing. This mindset is extremely detrimental to our lives. Nothing comes easily, because if it was easy, everyone would be doing it. For example, You want to land brand deals as an influencer so you post 4x a week for 1 month, you don’t see results so you quit. When in reality some influencers have been posting 5x week for years before seeing an income!
Ask yourself: Do I actually want to go through this process? Or do I just want the outcome?
NO PLAN: The #1 dream killer = confusion. The moment we feel confused we become stressed out and bail. When we have clarity through a mapped out daily, weekly, monthly plan, it’s easier for you to stay motivated and monitor progress toward set goals. When we have a plan we spend less time “thinking about doing” and actually “do”! Taking action is the most important (and underlooked) part of reaching your goals. It can help you identify a clear path and achieve it in the most efficient way.
UNSURE OF YOUR "WHY": Without your “why”, the moment things get tough you’ll head for the hills. You have nothing keeping you motivated. Trying to achieve goals with no intention only leads to burnout. Your why is your anchor.
How do I actually achieve the goals I’ve set?
REFLECT: Whether it’s through journaling or sitting with your own thoughts, the importance of reflection is often overlooked when it comes to achieving your goals. Reflecting allows you to see what skills have been amplifying or hindering your growth. It allows you to pause, dive deep into your past actions, and change when necessary.
Our Recommendation: Reflect weekly on how you’re feeling, why you’re feeling that way, and how you want to feel.
STRATEGIC GAME PLAN: Easily the most important step in achieving your goals is creating the actual game plan that’s going to get you there. If you don’t have a step-by-step plan it’s easy to get off track and overwhelm yourself with what needs to be done. We’ve created tons of video tutorials on how to achieve your goals. Remember a dream is nothing without a plan.
Our Recommendation: Watch our 6-7 minute videos teaching you how to plan for execution.
GROWTH MINDSET: Mindset is everything. If you constantly tell yourself you’re not going to achieve your goals, or that you’re not good enough to do so, then you won’t, it’s quite simple. The way you talk to yourself matters. Negative self-talk has gotten you this far, what’s the harm in telling yourself you can?
Our Recommendation: Spend 5-15 minutes per day working on strengthening your mindset.
You’re probably thinking...
I’m so ready to take action…
I know I’m meant for more than where I’m at right now…
But how on earth do I start?
We wanted everyone reading this blog post to come out of it one step closer to their goals. We created a free downloadable habit tracker that teaches you how to set, plan, and execute any goal, step-by-step. All you have to do is click this link here.
A few reminders…
Finding the perfect balance between self-care and discipline is difficult for anyone no matter where they’re at in their journey. We recommend finding positive ways to renew your energy when you start feeling overwhelmed, for example:
Once you achieve these goals you want to look back and appreciate all the hard work you put into it, otherwise, what would it all be for? Enjoy the journey. We don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow, don’t forget to live in the present moment.
Whether you set your goals 2 years ago or 2 days ago, you always have a choice. Don’t let the lack mentality get in the way of living a life you dream of.
Start now.
The Cacti Team