A Note From Our Founder
Good morning, angels! Happy August 1st! The first day of a new month always gets me so excited - we love a fresh start. For me, this month is all about soaking up the last bits of summer (although I'm already longing for autumn) and focusing on Cacti Wellness events and work travel.
This week, we hosted a really fun community event at The Rockaway Hotel and it was the first time seeing our community using The Bands in action - still so surreal! Today, we're co-hosting a press event with Rhone (historically, a men's activewear brand) to celebrate their new Women's line! More on the collection below.
Our productivity tip of the week is something that is so special to me because it is the key to how I've manifested so many things in my life. My husband, my NYC community, my business, certain brand partnerships, our NYC penthouse apartment... all of these things were in my journal before they ever came to life, and we're breaking down the strategy below.
Love you guys! Hope you enjoy this week's edition of Morning, Angels 👼🏽
x Kira
Productive Wellness Unlock
Scripting: How To Manifest Through Journaling
For many of us, getting into journaling can be a tough habit to keep - often because we simply don't know what to write about. Enter Scripting. A form of journaling that also serves as a visualization tool and has completely changed our lives... literally.
What is Scripting:
Scripting is a manifestation technique done in the form of journaling where one writes down their dreams and goals as if they’ve already happened. When done on a consistent basis, this type of visualization (or imagery) is shown to reprogram both the conscious and subconscious mind by focusing on how one will feel when these things and experiences arrive.
How to Script:
1. Write Down What You Want To Manifest
When writing down your dreams and goals, write them in the present tense (bonus points if you date the page for a future time). Then as you write, embody your future self and write "as if" these things have already happened and you're living in your future.
2. Write Down How This Makes You Feel
Attaching positive emotions to these events is crucial, your mind will start to feel that confidence and pride of accomplishment as if it's already happened in real life. If you’re struggling with writing, try out our guided journaling meditation here!
Currently Trending On The App
We know the warm up can often feel like a "skippable" part of your workout, but by activating your muscles ahead of time, you'll have a much more effective workout while also avoiding injury. We created this Glute Activation series to serve as a pre-requisite to lower body lifts.
(new here? use code TRYCACTI for
a free month of access)
New & Now in the Wellness World
How To Depuff And Stimulate Digestion At Home
You've likely heard or seen the amazing benefits of Lymphatic Drainage Massage; flushing fluid and toxins from the system, boosting circulation, improving the immune system, speeding metabolism... That being said, these services can be hard to find and usually cost hundreds of dollars, so we were thrilled to find this tutorial detailing how (and when) to perform Lymphatic Drainage massage at home.
Functional Activewear Brand, Rhone, Officially Launches a Women's Collection
If you're looking to upgrade your workout sets, there's exciting news: Rhone, the renowned men's performance apparel brand, has just unveiled its first women's collection. Their line offers a range of athleisure and fitness pieces that are perfect for workouts and lounge.
That's all for this week, angels!