July is here which means we’ve officially reached the second half of 2022! We’re looking at this as an exciting, clean slate – will you?
There are so many different approaches to goal setting that it can be difficult to know where to start. It's a great idea to read up on the latest research and try new things, but in our experience, an approach that works best for you is one where you actually stick with it long enough for it to work (consistency is the secret sauce!) So what does this mean? It means you need some kind of system to keep yourself accountable and motivated because, otherwise, it will be forever (or never) before you see results. We've got just the thing! In honor of 2022 being half over, it’s time to reevaluate those new year’s goals. These seven steps will help make sure your goals are actually achievable, realistic—and within reach!
Goal-Setting Does Not Have To Be Complicated To Work
The best way to set goals is by creating a 90-day plan. Setting your goals for three months instead of one year will help you focus on what each day needs from you, which is more important in the long run than thinking about how far away you are from your goals.
Once you have written down your goals, make sure they are specific and measurable so that when you achieve them, you know exactly how you achieved them. Your personal development plan should also include realistic steps toward attaining those goals; ensure that the benefits outweigh the costs before committing yourself to it. Finally, make certain that all of these elements are timebound so that you understand exactly when things need to happen – it's much easier than having an open-ended deal with no clear time frame attached!
It is important to remember that no goal-setting method will work for everyone. The best way to find the one that works for you is by trying out different methods until you find one that fits your lifestyle and needs. We know this article will give you some insight into how the 90-day method can help simplify your life by helping you accomplish more in less time, while still managing stress levels better than before!
How To Achieve Your 90-Day Goals:
Step 1: Write Down Your Goals
If you want to achieve your goals, you need to write them down and keep them visible. This is the most simple and straightforward part of the process. Be sure that they are written in a place where they will not be easily forgotten or covered up by something. For example: do not write them on a piece of scrap paper that could get easily thrown out. Instead, use something like a large whiteboard or corkboard that can be hung up in plain view. Another example is a daily planner or journal (that you won’t give up on after 30 days!) We use the SMART method to write our goals, learn more from the Cacti App here.
Step 2: Create a Ritual
The best way to build the habit of goal setting is to create a ritual. A ritual is any activity that you do regularly, such as eating breakfast, getting dressed in the morning, or brushing your teeth. It doesn't have to be complex or time-consuming; it just needs to become part of your daily routine.
When practicing goal setting you’ll find that your success rate is directly related to how much time and effort you put into thinking about goals throughout the day. For example, if you spend 10 minutes every evening reflecting on your personal goals while drinking a cup of tea then they’re more likely to be achieved.
Step 3: Assess Your Day
Assess your day.
At the end of each day, take a few minutes to review what you’ve accomplished. Look at your big picture goals and see how they match up with what actually happened that day. Then make a plan for the next day based on what worked and what didn’t work in the previous 24 hours. When you go to bed at night, think about this goal for tomorrow as well as any other goals on your list that aren’t due until later in the week or month. This programs it into our subconscious mind so we won’t forget about it the next day. Take a look at your calendar, or your to-do list, and think about what you wanted to get done yesterday. Did you meet those goals? Did you meet the expectations of your boss or co-workers? Did you meet the goals that were set for yourself? If so, great! Now it's time to set new ones. If not, well then that's when we'll need to take an in-depth look at what you did, learn from it, and move forward.
Step 4: Make Sure Your Plan is Doable
Make sure your plan is doable.
This one is pretty self-explanatory, but it's important to make sure your goals are something you can actually achieve. If you're a complete beginner, don't set the goal of becoming an Olympic gold medalist in gymnastics by next month. The key here is to find a balance between being motivated and realistic about what's possible for you in the time period you've allotted for achieving each goal.
Step 5: Find An Accountability Partner
Having a partner is key in keeping you accountable. If you have someone who is going through the same thing as you, and they are holding you accountable, it’ll be much easier to keep yourself on track. This doesn’t mean that this person has to be an accountability partner forever; they just need to help motivate and inspire each other while they are working together. Finding your ideal accountability partner can be difficult because not everyone has the same mindset or goals. But if you find someone who shares similar values with yours, then there's no doubt that it will work out well for both of you! Join 26,000 of us over on the Cacti App Instagram. An online accountability partner works just as well.
Goal-setting Tools:
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